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the timings and types of prayer


Fajr: From the entrance of true dawn until [right before] sunrise.

Ẓuhr: From [immediately after] midday (zawaal) until [the time] when the shadow of any object is twice its own length, or [according to a second opinion] equivalent to its own length, excluding the amount of shadow at midday. Imām Tahāwì preferred the second opinion, which is that of the two companions [Abū Yusuf and Muḥammad].

‘Aṣr: From the ending time of Ẓuhr (for which there are two opinions, as stated above) until [right before] sunset.

Maghrib: From the ending time of ‘Aṣr [sunset] until the disappearance of the red twilight.

‘Īsha’: From the ending time of Maghrib until [right before] Fajr.

The following times are recommended (mustaḥabb):

  • For Fajr, when light begins to appear (isfār)
  • For Ẓuhr in the summer, when the weather becomes cooler
  • For ‘Aṣr, to delay it until before the sun changes (such that one can look at its disc without harm)
  • For Ẓuhr in the winter and for Maghrib [always], to pray as soon as the time enters
  • In cloudy weather, to pray ‘Aṣr and ‘Īsha’ as soon as the time enters; while for the other prayers, to delay them somewhat

There are three times of the day in which any prayer that was obligatory before these times is rendered invalid if performed in these times:

  • At sunrise (until the sun is approximately 3-6 meters above the horizon; roughly 15-20 minutes after sunrise)
  • At midday (when the sun stops shortening, yet before it starts lengthening; roughly 7-10 minutes before Ẓuhr)
  • At sunset, except for ‘Aṣr (when the sun begins to dim during the last portion of the day before sunset; roughly 15-20 minutes before sunset, though it depends on many factors, such as the latitude and time of the year)

It is disliked to pray voluntary prayers in the following times:

  • The three times mentioned above
  • During the Jumu’ah khutbah (Friday prayer sermon; specifically, once the imām appears or stands up for it, until the prayer itself is completed)
  • Before the obligatory prayer of Fajr is performed, without exception [until after the disliked time of sunrise]
  • After the ‘Aṣr prayer is performed, until sunset

According to the Ḥanafī school, it is not valid to combine any two obligatory prayers in one prayer time, except at ‘Arafāt and Muzdalifah; that is, the pilgrim on Ḥajj maybe combine Ẓuhr and ‘Aṣr [in the time of Ẓuhr on the Day of ‘Arafāh], and must delay Maghrib and [the time of] ‘Īsha’ at Muzdalifah.


Farḍ (Obligatory)

  • Fajr – 2 rak’āt
  • Ẓuhr – 4 rak’āt
  • ‘Aṣr – 4 rak’āt
  • Maghrib – 3 rak’āt
  • ‘Īsha’ – 4 rak’āt
  • Jumu’ah (for men to attend at the masjid, consisting of the khutbah & 2 rak’āt with the imām)

Wājib (Mandatory)

  • Ṣalātul Witr – 3 rak’āt (to be prayed together with one set of salāms)

Sunnah Mu’akkadah (Emphasized Sunnah)

  • Before Fajr – 2 rak’āt
  • Before Ẓuhr – 4 rak’āt
  • After Ẓuhr – 2 rak’āt
  • After Maghrib – 2 rak’āt
  • After ‘Īsha’ – 2 rak’āt
  • Before the Friday prayer – 4 rak’āt
  • After the Friday prayer – 4 rak’āt
  • Ṣalātul Tarawīḥ – 20 rak’āt (performed in sets of two, with ten sets of salāms)

Sunnah Mustaḥabb (Recommended Sunnah)

  • 4 rak’āt before ‘Aṣr
  • 4 rak’āt before ‘Īsha’
  • 4 rak’āt after ‘Īsha’
  • 6 rak’āt after Maghrib (with three sets of salāms; the two rak’āt of emphasized sunnahs after Maghrib can be counted among these six rak’āt)

General Sunnahs

  • Tahiyyatul Masjid – 2 rak’āt
  • Post Wuḍū’ – 2 rak’āt
  • Ṣalātul Ḍuḥā – 4-12 rak’āt
  • Any voluntary prayers
  • Ṣalātul Istikhārah
  • Ṣalātul Hājah
  • The night prayer before the two days of Eid
  • The night prayer during the last ten nights of Ramaḍān
  • The night prayer during the first ten nights of Dhūl Ḥijjah
  • The night prayer of mid-Sha’bān (the 15th of Sha’bān)